18 research outputs found

    Natuursteenvervanging aan de Grote of Maria-Magdalenakerk te Goes

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    In this article the process of choice is examined leading to the application of specific types of natural stone as a replacement in restorations. For this purpose three consecutive restoration campaigns are analysed, which took place in the St Mary Magdalene church in Goes. The focus of attention is the question to what extent the architects involved took aspects of compatibility and sustainability into account in their choice. It appears that during the first two decades of the twentieth century the arguments of the choice were quite one-sidedly aimed at hardness, an assumed measure for sustainability. During the twenties of the twentieth century a variety of arguments led to a variety of types of stone, whereas during the latest restoration campaign in the nineties of the twentieth century the stress was once again on sustainability, with aesthetics playing a secondary role. During the latest restoration campaign the choice of a type of natural stone as a replacement no longer appears to be the only aspect of the restoration of the façade. Various cleaning techniques and the choice of mortar repairs instead of replacement by natural stone are playing an increasingly large role in the conservation of the monument.In this article the process of choice is examined leading to the application of specific types of natural stone as a replacement in restorations. For this purpose three consecutive restoration campaigns are analysed, which took place in the St Mary Magdalene church in Goes. The focus of attention is the question to what extent the architects involved took aspects of compatibility and sustainability into account in their choice. It appears that during the first two decades of the twentieth century the arguments of the choice were quite one-sidedly aimed at hardness, an assumed measure for sustainability. During the twenties of the twentieth century a variety of arguments led to a variety of types of stone, whereas during the latest restoration campaign in the nineties of the twentieth century the stress was once again on sustainability, with aesthetics playing a secondary role. During the latest restoration campaign the choice of a type of natural stone as a replacement no longer appears to be the only aspect of the restoration of the façade. Various cleaning techniques and the choice of mortar repairs instead of replacement by natural stone are playing an increasingly large role in the conservation of the monument

    Karakteristiek Duurzaam Erfgoed in Gelderland: KaDEr-stellingen

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    Deze publicatie is een weerslag van de uitkomsten van het KaDEr-project (Karakteristiek Duurzaam Erfgoed) dat de TU Delft in opdracht van en in samenwerking met de Provincie Gelderland heeft uitgevoerd. De lezer wordt meegenomen in de zoektocht om invulling te geven aan de relatie tussen wetenschap, praktijk en beleid rondom duurzaam erfgoed op verschillende schaalniveaus. Aan de hand van acht bijdragen wordt gereflecteerd op het proces en de uitkomsten. We noemen dit ‘KaDEr-stellingen’. Er was een kader, we stelden kaders bij en we namen positie in, stelligheden werden ter discussie gesteld en aan het eind worden conclusies verwoord in stellingnames. Hierbij kan kritisch gereflecteerd worden op proces en uitkomsten. De auteurs doen dit aan de hand van een thema dat gedurende de afgelopen vier jaar aan de orde is geweest binnen hun domein. Zij nemen dus stelling in met betrekking tot het debat dat naar aanleiding van dit thema gevoerd is en in veel gevallen nog verder gevoerd gaat worden. Daarnaast hebben we een aantal meer zijdelings betrokkenen gevraagd om stelling te nemen met een uitspraak naar aanleiding van hun ervaringen tijdens het project. Het KaDEr-project omvatte na een intensieve voorbereiding vier kalenderjaren. We denken dat op het onderdelen nog een vervolg behoeft. KaDEr staat dus voor Karakteristiek Duurzaam Erfgoed en in het project is gewerkt aan energetische duurzaamheid, financieel gezond perspectief, functioneel gebruik en het borgen kennis op lange termijn. Het project zelf werd opgebouwd rond vier Living Labs om theorie en praktijk aan elkaar te koppelen: – Living Lab XL-Stad: Zutphen, Winterswijk en Elburg. Daarbij droegen we vanuit KaDEr bij aan een onderzoek naar Kerkenvisies en de Energietransitie voor diverse gemeenten; – Living Lab L-Gebied: Landgoederen, waar het Baaksebeekgebied en Gelders Arcadië centraal stonden en het onderzoek resulteerde in de betreffende Ontwerpatlas; – Living Lab M-Typologie: Kerken. Nationaal en regionaal een opgave die veel aandacht kreeg de afgelopen vier jaar. Specifiek keken wij vanuit KaDEr naar het functioneren van Energiescans en de Financiële Duurzaamheid aan de hand van de Eusebiuskerk in Arnhem en de Stevenskerk in Nijmegen; – Living Lab S-Gebouw: Reuversweerd. Een (bouw)locatie die we vier jaar lang intensief hebben gevolgd en waar alle partijen veel van hebben geleerd. We hebben daarnaast onderzoek gedaan naar afwegingsmodellen voor het verduurzamen van monumenten en de gevolgen van het na‑isoleren van monumenten met binnenisolatie. Er werden binnen de Living Labs en deelonderzoeken dus diverse overkoepelende thema’s aan de orde gesteld en beproefd en daar is lering uitgetrokken. Dit heeft zich ook vertaald in het gaandeweg aanpassen van de aanpak en in de voorbereiding van nieuw beleid. Het geeft ook aanleiding om op lange termijn zaken anders te gaan doen. Wat er is geleerd en waar bijgestuurd kan worden is in acht hoofdstukken samengevat. We reflecteren op het proces van het KaDErproject. We geven adviezen voor het bijsturen van beleid. Een visie op de toekomst, vanuit de provincie zelf, komt vervolgens aan de orde. Tijdens de vier jaren van uitvoering van het project is er op diverse schaalgebieden geacteerd. Op het grote schaalgebied is met het Living Lab L-Gebied (Landgoederen), een koppeling met het Europese Innocastle project gemaakt. Daar hebben ook ontwerpprojecten met studenten plaatsgevonden en er is een Ontwerpatlas samengesteld. Het leren van elkaar stond van het begin af aan bij het KaDErproject centraal. Samen met het Gelders Restauratie Centrum en de Monumentenwacht Gelderland zijn er onderwerpen via kennisoverdracht en workshops uitgewerkt. Via de koppeling van onderwijs aan bijvoorbeeld de stad werd in het Living Lab XL-Stad tussen studenten, gemeenteambtenaren en gebouweigenaren samengewerkt om van elkaar te leren. Bijzonder is het kerkelijk erfgoed en de wijze waarop de Kerkenvisie als instrument een rol zal spelen bij de herontwikkeling van kerken. Dit is in de praktijk samen met drie gemeenten uit de Oost-Achterhoek uitgewerkt. In het KaDEr project komen zo theorie en praktijk mooi samen. Concreet kunnen en zullen beslissingen op het schaalgebied van gebouw en materiaalgebruik belangrijke gevolgen hebben voor opdrachtverlening, uitvoering, instandhouding en subsidieverstrekking aan erfgoed. Door alle schalen heen richtten we steeds de blik op de toekomst. Daarbij kunnen we aan de energietransitie, die steeds urgenter wordt, niet voorbijgaan. Daar ligt zeker voor historische binnensteden een uitdaging. In twee gemeenten is hiervoor een inspirerende driedaagse ‘roadshow’ gehouden en is een energietransitie roadmap uitgewerkt. Het KaDEr-project heeft geleid tot een veelheid aan leerzame ervaringen die nu in de nabije de toekomst kunnen inspireren en hun weerslag krijgen in provinciaal beleid dat een duurzame instandhouding van monumentaal erfgoed binnen de provincie Gelderland een stap verder brengt. Duurzame instandhouding biedt een visie op de lange termijn en is de basis voor een maatschappelijk verantwoorde werkwijze. Het KaDEr-project kon alleen tot stand komen door een goede samenwerking tussen en vele krachtsinspanningen van vele partijen en personen. Namens de TU Delft bedankt de redactie van de publicatie KaDEr-stellingen alle betrokken personen bij de provincie Gelderland, de gemeenteambtenaren in Zutphen, Elburg, Winterswijk, Aalten en Oost Gelre, de partners van de Gelderse Erfgoed Alliantie, de monumenteneigenaren en hun architecten, adviseurs en projectleiders op locatie en met name die op Reuversweerd. Daarnaast was het succes van KaDEr niet mogelijk geweest zonder de inzet van docenten, onderzoekers vanuit drie afdelingen van de faculteit Bouwkunde van de TU Delft en de vele studenten die vier jaar lang aan het project hebben gewerkt en het tot een inspirerend en leerzaam geheel hebben gemaakt. Zie Bijlage 3: Overzicht direct betrokkenen bij het KaDEr-project vanuit de Provincie Gelderland en de TU Delft


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    These proceedings report on the 5th edition of the conference, after Copenhagen (2008), Cyprus (2011), Brussel (2014) and Potsdam (2017), and it is the first time the conference is held in hybrid form, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a challenge to organize an event in such an uncertain situation and to make it as attractive and interactive as the previous editions. We hope to meet your expectations! I’m very glad, that despite the situation, the interest for the conference is strong: we have received more than 40 contributions from 18 countries from all over the world. This confirms the relevance of the problem of salt weathering for the built cultural heritage and stone artifacts in a wide range of environments. Moreover, the broad spectrum of approaches to the subject presented in these proceedings highlights the importance of the interaction between different disciplines as well as between fundamental research and practice of conservation. I wish this conference to contribute to this fruitful exchange, and to generate new research ideas, whilst strengthening and broadening interdisciplinary collaborations. On behalf of the organizing committee, I’m looking forward to welcoming as many as possible of you in Delft. We hope that, next to participation to the conference, you will find some free time to visit the city. You can stroll along the canals, enter a windmill, visit the Prinsenhof museum and the Blue Delft Factory, admire the architecture and sculptures in the Old and New Church and, if you are looking for a real Dutch experience, you can rent a bicycle and visit the surroundings! This event would not have been possible without the collaboration of several persons. I would like to thank, on behalf of us all, the Scientific Committee for carefully reviewing the papers and contributing thereby to the high quality of the published contributions. My personal thank goes to the organizing committee who significantly contributed to the organization of this event and to the preparation of the proceedings. Last but not least, I’d like to thank the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands for co-sponsoring the event and RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures) for contributing to the dissemination

    A.L.W.E. van der Veen. Een Delfts mijningenieur in monumentenland

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    Between 1920 and 1940, the engineer A.L.W.E. van der Veen (PhD) was involved in many restorations as a consultant on natural stone, at first under the authority of the National Bureau for Monuments and later as an independent consultant. After his studies in mining engineering at the former Technische Hoogeschool Delft, where he wrote his doctoral thesis on the symmetry of diamond, he became involved with monuments and their preservation. Van der Veen’s geological expertise enabled him to determine the nature and origin of natural stone used in historical buildings and advise on suitable replacement material. The article at hand provides an overview of Van der Veen’s life and describes his introduction into the world of monuments preservation. It also describes in more depth the advice he gave with regard to types of natural stone that was historically often applied in the Netherlands, such as sandstone, white Belgian sandy limestone, and tuff. His efforts to provide advice that was in accordance with the principles of restoration as articulated in 1917 are illustrated by his reasoning in choosing replacement stone. His advice on choosing limestone from France and tuff from the German Eifel constitutes the main body of the article at hand. It shows that his advice sometimes lacked foundation or differed from earlier advice. Nevertheless, Van der Veen has had a profound influence on the choice of replacement stone. Gaining insight in his reasoning is therefore important, as it is an aspect that needs to be considered in the assessment of restoration interventions, for instance when new restorations make it necessary to replace stone that was used in previous restorations.Tussen 1920 en 1940 was dr .ir. A.L.W.E. van der Veen als natuursteenadviseur betrokken bij veel restauraties, eerst in opdracht van het Rijksbureau voor de Monumentenzorg en later als onafhankelijk adviseur. Na mijnbouwkunde gestudeerd te hebben in Delft en hier gepromoveerd te zijn op een onderzoek naar de symmetrie van diamant kwam hij vermoedelijk via de familie Martin in aanraking met de monumentenzorg. De geologische kennis van Van der Veen werd gebruikt om de aard en herkomst van natuursteensoorten, toegepast aan monumenten, te achterhalen en om geschikte vervangende steensoorten te kiezen. Dit artikel geeft een overzicht van Van der Veens leven en beschrijft zijn intrede in de wereld van de monumentenzorg. Hierna wordt nader ingegaan op zijn adviezen met betrekking tot de natuursteensoorten met een grote historische toepassingstraditie in Nederland zoals zandsteen, witte Belgische zandige kalksteen en tufsteen. Zijn zoektocht naar adviseren in de lijn van de Grondbeginselen wordt geïllustreerd aan de hand van zijn argumentatie voor het kiezen van vervangende steensoorten. Zijn adviezen voor het kiezen van Franse kalksteensoorten en tufsteen uit de Duitste Eifel vormen de kern van het artikel. Hieruit blijkt dat de onderbouwing van zijn adviezen soms ontbreekt en soms afwijkt van eerdere adviezen. Ondanks dit heft Van der Veen een grote invloed gehad op de keuze voor vervangende steensoorten. Inzicht in Van der Veens argumentatie bij steenkeuze is daarom een aspect dat verdient meegewogen te worden bij de waardering van restauratieve ingrepen, bijvoorbeeld wanneer bij nieuwe restauraties de eerdere restauratiesteen vervangen moet worden

    Dealing with Heritage: Assessment and Conservation

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    It is an honor to introduce this book, which brings together a number of very important aspects of the restoration architect's profession, with this short statement. Dealing with heritage requires that the restoration architect makes well-considered and definable choices. It should not only be about conservation, but attention must and may also be paid to making heritage future-proof. When it comes to making heritage future-proof, we still stand at the start of a major (sustainability) transition, in which making interventions will be indispensable. Such interventions are made possible by recognizing and utilizing the opportunities that heritage offers, but they should always be made from a view that places the preservation of the core values of the heritage centrally. The core values of heritage take many forms and can range from physical architectural manifestations to social, cultural and historical significance. In all cases, they involve dealing with the materials that the heritage is composed of. Having knowledge of these materials plays a crucial role in the choices to be made, both in the area of conservation to preserve what already exists, as well as in choices for restoration, improvement or renewal. That this knowledge goes beyond the physical outward appearance, as perceived by the admirers of heritage, is also emphasized by the examples in this book. Knowledge of the substance, forms of decay, methods of conservation and application of new techniques requires research, and without this research we as restoration architects would never be able to make well-considered choices. Research into especially the 'invisible' damage phenomena in materials, as described in this book, still requires more attention. As certified restoration architects it is our task to recognize this, to call in specialists at an early stage of a project, and to consider options with as broad a team as possible. The methods with which to determine the degree of damage and decay as objectively as possible, as are being developed continuously by among others 'Heritage & Architecture' at Delft University of Technology, offer good tools. I am a restoration advisor and currently chairman of the ‘Vereniging van Architecten Werkzaam in de Restauratie’ (Association of Architects Working in Restoration, VAWR), an association whose members are specialists who have all chosen to be tested and recognized in the field of dealing with monuments. On behalf of our members I would like to draw attention to the specific mastery of our profession based on Knowledge, Ethics, Vision and Management. Much attention is drawn to precisely these four pillars in this book as well. I hope that the readers of this book, regardless of their background, will gain a great deal of knowledge and appreciation for the need for research, but above all that they will also become more interested in our beautiful and multifaceted profession

    Natuursteenvervanging aan de Grote of Maria-Magdalenakerk te Goes

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    In this article the process of choice is examined leading to the application of specific types of natural stone as a replacement in restorations. For this purpose three consecutive restoration campaigns are analysed, which took place in the St Mary Magdalene church in Goes. The focus of attention is the question to what extent the architects involved took aspects of compatibility and sustainability into account in their choice. It appears that during the first two decades of the twentieth century the arguments of the choice were quite one-sidedly aimed at hardness, an assumed measure for sustainability. During the twenties of the twentieth century a variety of arguments led to a variety of types of stone, whereas during the latest restoration campaign in the nineties of the twentieth century the stress was once again on sustainability, with aesthetics playing a secondary role. During the latest restoration campaign the choice of a type of natural stone as a replacement no longer appears to be the only aspect of the restoration of the façade. Various cleaning techniques and the choice of mortar repairs instead of replacement by natural stone are playing an increasingly large role in the conservation of the monument


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    The Docomomo Journal looks back to a long history and has started as a ‘newsletter’ in in August 1989 to facilitate the communication among the young docomomo community. Since then, the responsibility for the journal has moved with the headquarters and each generation of the journal has developed its own characteristic and focus. Since 1993 the ‘newsletter’ evolved into a thematic journal, reflecting the archival and on-site research on Modern Movement materials, technologies and typologies executed by individual members and Specialist Committees. The journals 9-26 shed light on the conceptual and technological particularities of Modern Movement buildings and sites. During the ‘Paris Period’ the journals 27-41 created a unique overview about the diversity of Modern Movement around the world. Finally, when moving the headquarters to Barcelona and subsequently Lisbon the journal entered into a phase of broader theoretical reflection about the principles and foundations of Modern Movement displayed in the issues 41-65


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    When moving the Docomomo Headquarters to Delft in January 2022, it announced a new cycle of the Docomomo journal by turning the journal fully open access and by introducing a peer-review process. This allows for further scientific indexation of the journal and attracting a wider range of authors. In September 2022 the Docomomo Journal was indexed by Scopus and the issues 1-65 from 1990-2021 are available online in our Docomomo journal Archive. Since then, the Docomomo Journal 66 on Modern Plastic Heritage was published and with this Docomomo Journal 67 we are approaching the country that has dominated our political and cultural discussions in 2022: Ukraine. In January 2022 it was not predictable that national autonomy, human lives and cultural heritage are threatened and destroyed by Russian aggression that started on 24th February 2022. In March of this year, Docomomo International published the Solidarity Statement on Ukraine and has since then been working on this special issue on the Multiple Modernities in Ukraine

    Spatiality of the urban commons: Typo-morphology of the open common spaces in New Belgrade mass housing blocks

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    The article examines the existing infrastructure of open common spaces within two New Belgrade mass housing blocks (Blocks 23 and 70a) through a typo-morphological analysis. These spaces between the buildings, although the most neglected, underused, and deteriorated components of mass housing neighbourhoods, are at the same time crucial to the quality, vitality and integrated governance of these neighbourhoods. They represent the primary tangible commons in cities and neighbourhoods. The question of urban commons is increasingly present in scientific literature, urban and architectural discourse. Nevertheless, approaches exploring the spatiality of the urban commons are scarce, leading to insufficient understanding of the spatial aspect and potentials of the already existing commons. Therefore, this study includes (1) identification, typological decoding and classification of the common spaces, focusing on the case of New Belgrade blocks, followed by (2) analysis of the spatial patterns and integration of the identified spaces within the blocks. The study confirms the complexity and diverse typology of the common spaces. It finds that the in-between, common spaces contribute to higher integration of different segments of the blocks. The open common spaces have an essential role in humanisation of the blocks, and thus the quality of life in the blocks as integrated neighbourhoods. The findings indicate that the spatial setting of the open common spaces in New Belgrade blocks allows for (re)emergence of collective practices, leading to inclusive and integrated rehabilitation of the neighbourhoods

    Self-Management of Housing and Urban Commons: New Belgrade and Reflections on Commons Today

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    The concepts of collective management of housing and urban spaces are being revisited within the contemporary discussions about community-driven approaches and practices and, in particular, related to the revitalization of residential neighbourhoods. This research identifies the concepts of self-management and social ownership of housing in the post-World War II period in Yugoslavia as an important legacy of Yugoslav urban planning and housing policies. Although they were subsequently neglected, these concepts can contribute to contemporary global discussions about housing affordability and the role of community in ensuring spatial and social equality. New Belgrade mass housing blocks - the main site for testing the new dwelling concepts, in terms of both policies and modernist design - are the object of this research. The article is mainly a theoretical analysis of the issues of common interest and engagement, common good, and common spaces which played a decisive role in its design. The study applies interpretative and correlational research methods in re-theorizing these concepts and their underlying narratives. It traces how the perspectives on the collective practices and spaces evolved over time, revealing a correlation between changed social practices and the spatial deterioration of the New Belgrade mass housing blocks. The study highlights the importance of both collective practices and common spaces for addressing housing issues, emphasizing their instrumentality, and potentiality for rearticulating the dialogue between public and private, engaging citizens in interactive and inclusive decision-making and co-creation of the urban reality